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Black Hat SEO: 19 Short-Sighted SEO Tactics that Will Kill Your Rankings

Reciprocal link exchanges. + Duplicate content. + Black hat tactics waste time and money while putting your entire site at risk of being de-indexed and/or blacklisted entirely. Worst case scenario, your entire domain name could get de-indexed or even blacklisted from Google and other search engines. Paid links. +

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The Four Rhinos of Bad SEO Tactics: What Has to Go for Good


Duplicate content. Marieke van de Rakt, founder of Yoast Academy and CEO of Yoast, writes that the ideal site structure looks like a pyramid and includes levels like: Home. SERP features like featured snippets, related questions and ads with site links are pushing even high-ranking results further down the page. So stop them.

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101 Ways to Improve Your Website’s SEO & Improve Your Google Rankings

Including one or more of these keywords in your domain name can be helpful in boosting your search rankings, as you’ll get added relevance for related queries. Here, you can block crawlers from indexing certain pages —which is ideal if you have intentionally duplicate pages or other content you don’t want search engines to see.